TDLA training Session 2 Wrap Up - Aug 2015

31 Aug 2015 by Rob Moreton

Well…. 15 very tired sailors and their supporters returned home yesterday after a thorough weekend workout at Port Dalrymple Yacht Club.
Saturday started off perfectly with light breezes that saw sailors ease in to the downwind drills and blow out the cobwebs.
After lunch and a warm by the fire, the southerly breezes picked up and this situation was taken advantage of by the coaching staff who activated their weekend plan to concentrate on down wind skills. Sailors ran downwind all the way past Kelso to the 3rd last farewell beacon before the River enters Bass Strait.
At this turning point a lesson in ‘how to evade current and a 5 knot tide’ began.
Both sailors and visiting coaches marvelled at the pace of the outgoing tide and wonderful scenery that afternoon. However
The sailors had been asked to be prepared for this situation so when the tide became too strong, tow ropes were produced and an exciting but chilly tow saw all return to the club for tea with big grins.
Many will remember this safari for quite sometime to come.
DAY 2….
Steady southerly breezes and low air temperatures greeted sailors the next morning. Solid short course racing with coaches offering suggestions and solutions for poor technique saw everyone’s skills lift thoughout the day to a point that closer racing and friendly rivalries blossomed.
Coaches also joined in the fray and jumped on boats to relieve tired hiking legs and also to demonstrate racing technique.
The day concluded with a sausage sizzle and the unavoidable pack up.
PDYC members and many willing TDLA parent helpers gave the weekend an easy and relaxed atmosphere. Thanks to all!
Coaches -Sean, Rohan, Richard and assistant (Caitlin) deserve a big thankyou too for keeping sailors focussed and rewarded for effort.
Overall a great weekend that ticked all the boxes!
We are now all looking forward to our next training session at Tamar Yacht Club on the19th and 20th Sept. Make sure those who can make it keep the date protected in the calender.
A notice with details will be circulated soon.
See you there